
Did you know that more than 400 thousand cyber attacks occur worldwide every day? That billion-dollar economic losses have been recorded and that the forecast is even greater?

Written by: Diolimar García

Are the machines and systems that use this technology autonomous enough to discern between good and evil, between what is legal and illegal, between what is ethical and what is immoral? Can they be held legally responsible for their actions and consequences? Where does the real responsibility lie?

Written by: Diolimar García

For some years now, the role of the lawyer has been immersed in a transformation process, fulfilling a more preventive than reactive function.

Written by: Diolimar García

Legal support moves to a more proactive role into companies

Written by: Diolimar García

The digital transformation is here to stay and for companies it is essential to have in-house lawyers who are experts in the legal aspects that are implicit in a change of this magnitude and who know the operations and needs of the company.

Written by: Diolimar García

Uma mulher profissional de sucesso no campo jurídico, que reconhece a dificuldade de se dedicar à profissão, mas que adora um novo desafio, estando em constante busca por novos projetos e iniciativas. Esta é Diolimar García, que otimizando tempo, combinando vida pessoal e profissional, soube distinguir entre o que é urgente e o que é importa

Written by: Diolimar García

Five main challenges of the In-House Lawyer In recent years, company managers have become aware of the importance of the legal function, incorporating the professional lawyer into the management team and, therefore, in decision-making.

Written by: Diolimar García

Diolimar García is the Corporate Legal Director of the Alarms and Corporate Affairs business of Prosegur for 26 countries, reporting directly to the Group General Counsel. With her, Iberian Lawyer was able to talk about innovation and how they apply technology to the company's services, the recent agreement with Microsoft

Written by: Diolimar García

Communication is the foundation stone of mediation and the question mediators often ask ourselves is, how do we improve our skills and techniques for more effective and positive communication in mediation between two conflicting parties?

Written by: Diolimar García

The Intellectual and Industrial Property is one of the most appreciated assets of the company. However, in some cases, because we are unaware of the advantages of their protection, we ignore activating said protection and establishing policies that guarantee the ownership of rights against competition.

Written by: Diolimar García

Consumer mediation is the type of mediation, which could have the greatest social interest. Given the existing contractual imbalance between the employer and consumers, the latter turn out to be a sector protected by special consumer regulations that regulate the purchase and sale of consumer goods and services in ...

Written by: Diolimar García

Mediation is the process through which a third party, the mediator, helps the parties that have a conflict to achieve an amicable resolution by mutual agreement, through a structured procedure directed by the mediator and that ends by signing a an agreement of a contractual nature, binding between the parties.

Written by: Diolimar García