Legal Notice

DIOLIMAR GARCIA GONZÁLEZ (hereinafter, DIOLIMAR GARCÍA), domiciled in Madrid, Spain. You can contact via email

2.- Conditions

2.1. Acceptance

This Legal Notice regulates access to the website from DIOLIMAR GARCIA's personal website (hereinafter, the "Website") and the use of the contents by users of the Website (hereinafter, the " Users ”).

The use of the Website by the Users implies the full and unreserved acceptance of all the conditions included in the Legal Notice that is in force at each access to the Website. Given that DIOLIMAR GARCIA reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, this Legal Notice, the user must read it carefully on each of the occasions in which they intend to use any of the content and services offered in the Website, as it may have undergone modifications.

DIOLIMAR GARCIA may freely suspend, block, interrupt or cancel access to the Website in the following cases:

  1. to guarantee the security of the service or the access channel,
  2. when the Website is used fraudulently or abusively,
  3. when it is necessary to carry out maintenance or repair operations on the Website, and
  4. when there is a breach by the User.

Access to the Website is free except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by the Users. Access to the Website is reserved for people over 18 years of age, and DIOLIMAR GARCIA is not responsible for the consequences derived from non-compliance with this measure.

2.2. Use

Users undertake to use the contents of the Website in accordance with the provisions of the Law and in this Legal Notice, responding to DIOLIMAR GARCIA or to third parties, for the damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of said obligations, and actions carried out that are illegal, negligent, fraudulent, or that contravene the principle of good faith, generally accepted uses or public order.

The use of the Website for illicit purposes, harmful to the rights, goods, interests or reputation of DIOLIMAR GARCIA or third parties, or that in any other way damage, overload or disable the networks, servers and other computer equipment is expressly prohibited. (hardware) or computer products and applications (software) from DIOLIMAR GARCIA or third parties.

2.3. Contents and intellectual and industrial property

All the contents of the Website, understood by these as merely illustrative, the texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, its graphic design and source codes, as well as trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs are the property of DIOLIMAR GARCIA or third parties. DIOLIMAR GARCIA does not assign, nor does it grant any license or authorization to Users on the intellectual and industrial property rights corresponding to said elements.

It corresponds to DIOLIMAR GARCIA the exclusive exercise of the exploitation rights of the mentioned intellectual and industrial property, in any form and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

By way of example, but not limited to, and in accordance with applicable legislation, Users are prohibited from carrying out the following actions:

  1. Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available, publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents except in the cases authorized by law or expressly consented to by DIOLIMAR GARCIA.
  2. Extract and / or reuse all or a substantial part of the contents of the Website that DIOLIMAR GARCIA makes available to Users.
  3. Duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit the content of the Website for commercial purposes, without prior consent.
  4. Use any trademark, logo or other information protected by copyright of DIOLIMAR GARCIA without the corresponding prior authorization.

2.4. Responsibility

(i) Of the information and contents

DIOLIMAR GARCIA tries that the contents collected on its Website are of the highest possible quality, but does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the same. Access to the Website and the use that may be made of the information and content that appear is the sole responsibility of the Users. DIOLIMAR GARCIA will not be liable for the consequences, damages or losses that may arise from such access or use of the information or content.

(ii) On the quality and availability of access

DIOLIMAR GARCIA does not guarantee the absence of viruses, worms or any other computer element. Harmful co. It will be the responsibility of the Users to use the appropriate tools, means or systems for the detection, protection and disinfection of harmful computer elements. DIOLIMAR GARCIA is not responsible for the damages produced in the computer equipment of the Users or third parties during or as a consequence of accessing the Website.

Access to the Website requires services and supplies provided by third parties, without it being the responsibility of DIOLIMAR GARCIA to control their quality, availability, continuity and operation. DIOLIMAR GARCIA is not responsible for damages of any kind caused to Users that are a consequence of failures, interruptions or suspensions of the connection service to telecommunications networks while accessing the Website.

DIOLIMAR GARCIA does not guarantee the lack of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the Website. However, it will use its best efforts to ensure that the Website is accessible and fully operational at all times.

(iii) Of the links

The Website may include linking devices that allow Users to access other Internet pages and portals (hereinafter, the "Linked Sites"). In these cases, DIOLIMAR GARCIA acts as a provider of intermediation services in accordance with article 17 of Law 32/2002, of July 12, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and will only be responsible for the contents provided on the Linked Sites to the extent that you have effective and manifest knowledge of their illegality and have not deactivated the link with due diligence.

In the event that the User considers that there is a Linked Site with illegal or inappropriate content, they may notify DIOLIMAR GARCIA to carry out an investigation on the legality of the content. However, said communication does not bind DIOLIMAR GARCIA to withdraw the corresponding link.

Likewise, Users are informed that the existence of links on the Website does not imply the existence of agreements with those responsible or owners of such Linked Sites, nor does it imply the recommendation, promotion or identification of DIOLIMAR GARCIA with the statements, content or services that the portals of the Linked Sites offer.

DIOLIMAR GARCIA does not know the contents and services of the Linked Sites, so it is not responsible for the damages caused by the illegality, quality, outdated, unavailability, error and uselessness of the contents or services of the Linked Sites.

3. Force Majeure

Without prejudice to the foregoing, DIOLIMAR GARCIA will not be responsible for delays or failures that may occur in the access, operation and operation of the Website and its Contents, as well as for interruptions, suspensions or malfunctions of the same, when they have its origin in breakdowns produced by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, lightning or fires, violation of information security systems or cybersecurity incidents, force majeure situations, extreme urgency situations such as wars, military operations, civil disturbances, strikes , lockouts or any other force majeure or act of God.

4. Indemnification

Users expressly undertake to indemnify DIOLIMAR GARCIA and others affected, for damages (including legal fees, attorney's rights and costs) derived from non-compliance by Users of these general conditions and of the particular conditions applicable in their case. , as well as to collaborate with DIOLIMAR GARCIA in the defense of their interests in the event that any claim is presented or any judicial or administrative procedure is initiated for said breach. Likewise, Users are obliged to make their best efforts in order to avoid or, where appropriate, lessen the harmful and damaging effects that may arise for DIOLIMAR GARCIA.

DIOLIMAR GARCIA will not be responsible for (i) indirect and consequential damages or for (ii) business losses (including loss of profits, income, contracts, anticipated savings, data, loss of goodwill or unnecessary expenses incurred) that are a direct or indirect result of access to the Website by Users.

5. Safety Warning

"Phishing" and other fraudulent acts of theft and impersonation of a person, consist of third parties simulating the identity of an entity through the fraudulent use of email to obtain their personal data by deception.

In the relationships that the User maintains or intends to maintain with DIOLIMAR GARCIA, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • In any case, DIOLIMAR GARCIA will never request the User, neither by phone nor by mail or electronic, your access credentials to the Website. In this sense, the User is reminded that these data are strictly confidential, and that they should only be used for the use / uses for which they are intended. The transfer by the User of his confidential data to third parties is his sole responsibility.
  • DIOLIMAR GARCIA will not ask the User by phone or email for a copy of their national identity document (DNI, NIE, passport), or any information related to their accounts or bank positions. The User must therefore be wary of not knowing in advance and directly the person requesting this type of data on behalf of or on behalf of DIOLIMAR GARCIA.
  • The User must not access the Website / App through a link, e-mail or web page that is not fully trusted by him. Instead, it is recommended that you type the address directly into your browser.

6. Use of "cookies"

The website uses its own and third-party cookies to facilitate navigation through its website and to obtain greater efficiency and personalization of the information offered to USERS. For more information on its use, see the section in the session "Cookies Policy" on the website

7. Security

The User is solely responsible for the custody, diligent use and maintenance of the confidentiality of the passwords, access codes or encryption or encryption systems of the equipment acquired and / or installed.

The User accepts to assume the responsibility that proceeds for all the activities carried out from his account and / or using his password.

8. Partial Nullity

If any clause of the Legal Notice is declared invalid, null or for any ineffective cause, said condition will be understood as excluded, without the validity or enforceability of the rest of the conditions being affected by it.

9. Waiver

In case of non-compliance by the Users of these Conditions without DIOLIMAR GARCIA immediately exercising the actions and / or rights that are available to it, it does not imply that DIOLIMAR GARCIA renounces to use them at any other time in the future.

10. Competence and Jurisdiction

The Legal Notice of this Website will be governed by Spanish legislation.

DIOLIMAR GARCIA and the Users, expressly waive their own jurisdiction that may correspond to them, and formally submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, for any controversy that may arise due to the interpretation or compliance with the Legal Notice by which this is governed Website.