Privacy Policy

Basic Information

Responsible for the treatment: DIOLIMAR GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ (hereinafter, "DIOLIMAR GARCÍA").

Main purpose of the treatment: To offer you information that may be of interest to you.

Legitimizing basis: the data will be processed mainly based on the access you make to the Website, the consent granted, or, where appropriate, the legitimate interest.

Potential recipients of the data:

Third parties to which DIOLIMAR GARCIA is obliged to transmit information, as Public Authorities, in order to comply with the requirements of said authorities and applicable regulations, if applicable.

Collaborating entities that are necessary to offer you information that may be of interest to you, such as Collaborators identified on the Website of the legal, Legal and Mediation.

Data protection rights: You can revoke at any time the consent granted for the activities of personal data treatment by DIOLIMAR GARCIA, as well as exercise, if you are interested in it, your rights of access, rectification, deletion , opposition, limitation to data processing, data portability, as well as not being the subject of automated decisions. You can do so by request addressed to DIOLIMAR GARCIA at the following email address: , attaching a copy of your ID or documentation proving your identity.

Additional Information

1. Responsible for the Treatment

1.1 Data of the person in charge of the treatment

This document regulates the privacy policy of the DIOLIMAR GARCIA website (hereinafter the "Website"). DIOLIMAR GARCIA is the Responsible for the Treatment of the personal data that you provide us through your access to the Website.

1.2. Scope

This privacy policy regulates the data processing carried out by DIOLIMAR GARCIA in relation to users who access or contact DIOLIMAR GARCIA through the Website.

2. Purposes and legitimation

You are informed that all the data that DIOLIMAR GARCIA requests or may request are necessary for the purposes described in this privacy policy and failure to provide them would make it impossible to contact you or manage the request. that you make to DIOLIMAR GARCIA. Likewise, DIOLIMAR GARCIA reserves the right not to respond or process requests that do not include the data requested.

You guarantee the veracity of the personal data provided to DIOLIMAR GARCIA. DIOLIMAR GARCIA may periodically request you to review and update the personal data that it holds about you.

The legitimation bases used that support the processing of your personal data, as well as its different purposes, are described below:

  1. Legitimation for the execution of contracts:
    1. Offer you information about the activity of DIOLIMAR GARCIA published on the Website that may be of interest to you.
    2. Formalize and execute any contractual relationship that accrues between you and DIOLIMAR GARCIA due to the activity published on the Website.
    3. Transfer your data to collaborating entities that are necessary to execute any contractual relationship that accrues between you and DIOLIMAR GARCIA due to the activity published on the Website.
  2. Legitimation by express consent
    1. Sending commercial communications by any means, including electronic means related to DIOLIMAR GARCIA products and / or services other than those published on the Website.
  3. Legitimation for legitimate interests of DIOLIMAR GARCIA:
    1. Process requests made by users, mainly, requesting information about the activity of DIOLIMAR GARCIA.
    2. Sending communications by any means, including electronic, related to the activity of DIOLIMAR GARCIA. In this case, the legitimate interest of DIOLIMAR GARCIA is based on keeping you informed and updated about the activity published on the Website that may be of interest to you.
    3. Make profiling based on your personal data, to calculate the predisposition to acquire other products or contract other services that may be of interest to you, and assign an evaluation with the sole purpose of helping to improve the experience of user.

3. Recipients

The personal data that you provide to DIOLIMAR GARCIA may be communicated to the following categories of recipients:

Third parties to which DIOLIMAR GARCIA is obliged to transmit information, as Public Authorities, in order to comply with the requirements of said authorities and applicable regulations, if applicable.

Collaborating entities that are necessary to execute any contractual relationship that accrues between you and DIOLIMAR GARCIA due to the activity published on the Website.

We inform you that DIOLIMAR GARCIA may have companies outside the European Union. In these cases, the entity requires that said companies comply with the measures designed to protect personal data established in a binding contract, except in cases where the European Commission has determined that the country where the recipient is located provides an adequate level. protection of personal data.

4. Data Conservation

The criteria that DIOLIMAR GARCIA uses to set the terms of conservation of your data have been determined in accordance with the requirements established in the applicable legislation, regulations and normative guidelines, as well as the operational requirements of DIOLIMAR GARCIA related to the correct management of the relationship with your clients and / or potential clients.

Your data will not be kept for a period exceeding six years from the end of any possible contractual relationship between you and DIOLIMAR GARCIA, the previous period of conservation of the blocked data having been set in accordance with commercial regulations, and more specifically based on the provisions of the Commercial Code. However, the foregoing, in the event that there is an ongoing procedural procedure in relation to you, your data may be kept for the additional time necessary until a final judicial resolution is obtained. Once this period is over, your data will be deleted.

5. Your Data Protection Rights

You may contact DIOLIMAR GARCIA when you deem it necessary, being able to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition, as well as the right to portability of your data and no longer be subject to automated decisions, through Request addressed to DIOLIMAR GARCIA at the following email address: attaching a copy of your ID or documentation proving your identity.

Likewise, you are informed that you may revoke the consents granted whenever you wish, by contacting DIOLIMAR GARCIA, at the address or email indicated above.

Finally, in the event that you want more information about your rights regarding data protection or need to file a claim, you can contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency, with address at Calle Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 , Madrid, in order to safeguard your rights.

6. Data Security

DIOLIMAR GARCIA has appropriate policies and technical and organizational measures to safeguard and protect your personal data against illegal or unauthorized access, accidental loss or destruction, damage, illegal or unauthorized use and disclosure. You can obtain a copy of the measures required by DIOLIMAR GARCIA by contacting the following email address:

In any case, the user is informed that any data transmission over the Internet is not completely secure and, as such, is carried out at their own risk. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, DIOLIMAR GARCIA cannot guarantee the security of personal data transmitted through the Website.